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MIL-STD-810H Method 506.6 Rain
▶️Military Systems go through some of the most severe environments that any system will ever encounter on planet earth. ➡️ MIL-STD-810H...
System and Product Design from a Reliability and Test Guy's Perspective
Innovate, Design, Create! This video is all about System and Product Design from Everyone's Favorite Reliability and Test Guy's...
Mechanical Resonance ( Resonant Frequency or Natural Frequency ) ft. Reliability and Test Guy Jr.
We are looking to really shake things up with this video on mechanical resonance!
Mechanical resonance occurs when a mechanical input signa
Accelerometer Selection
Acceleration! We are exposed to it every day. When we change speed while driving, flying, riding a bike, etc. "Accelerometer Selection&
Introduction to Accelerated Life Testing
It's time to learn about accelerated life testing! In a Introduction to Accelerated Life Testing, we will learn all about accelerated li
Introduction to Dust Testing
It's time to learn about Dust Testing!
Introduction to Thermal Shock Testing
It's time to learn about Thermal Shock Testing!
Introduction to Verification and Validation
This video is a Introduction to Verification and Validation. We will define verification and validation and discuss the differences...
Introduction to Cold Weather Testing
Time to learn about cold weather testing!
Tom Resh Featured on Medium
For Thomas Resh, reliability, test, and validation engineering has become a lifelong passion. Having worked for numerous prestigious compani
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